Want to start a sportswear business? This is the story of our founder, Kevin Van Lancker

From selling ladybugs as a business to becoming an entrepreneur supplying sublimated apparel to the best and most unique brands in the world.

I was never really interested in school as a kid. I prefered running my own business already from a young age, where I even sold ladybugs (the insects) to my neighbours as I had read somewhere that these ladybugs eat bad bugs on their flowers and crops in the garden.

I wasn’t so interested in the fact that these ladybugs flew away in seconds after my neighbour/client bought them from me 🙂

But I liked the process of dealing with sales/business development. Eventually, that business failed. I needed another plan. I had a few other things I tried but they all failed.

Until, I stopped making rookie mistakes eventually leading to making some nice money already as young 21y old entrepreneur.

What I learnt over these years while failing, is helping us so much today in working with leading sportswear brands from all over the world! And I wish I could tell the whole world and all aspiring entrepreneurs which mistakes they shouldn’t make.

But, every day I hear people willing to start their own business and while I listen to their pitch, I think: red light, red light, biiig red light.

It all sounds so easy when you listen to first time founders, isn’t it? 🙂 Basically, they will start today and next year they drive a Ferrari and the year after they go for IPO.

The harsh reality is that, it is super hard and definitely not for everyone.

So when my dear long time friend Kristina Torres to from United People Global asked me if I am willing to listen to pitches of young (mostly African) entrepreneurs and advise them which mistakes not to make and tell them about the fabulous mistakes I made, I said yes.

Not many things are more rewarding to give back to the community and to see the feedback and appreciaton afterwards.

We dressed the UAE team at the very start of its existence. It was a super great honour to be selected over all major brands. When it became a money game, I passed and went on to look for the next opportunities.

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